The Type-S Lok-Bar allows Wing Boards, Monarch Overhead Arm Positioner and other positioning and immobilization devices to be indexed in the head & neck area on a Type-S Overlay or Extension, including the TotalRT All in One Platform.
ThermFix Base Package Includes: Superior Bar, Inferior Bar, Spacing Tool (for breast, thorax, abdomen, hip and pelvic treatment with no central docking)
ThermFix Pelvic Package Includes: Superior Bar, Hip & Pelvic Bar, Spacing Tool (for hip and pelvic treatment with central docking)
ThermFix Complete Package Includes: Superior Bar, Inferior Bar, Hip & Pelvic Bar, Spacing Tool
Evolve Type-S Locating Kit: Includes Evolve Type-S Locating Bar and Slide Guide Three-Pin Lok-Bar for indexing to Alta or TotalRT All in One